Learning To Forgive: Self-Empowerment and the Practice of Letting Go
to May 20

Learning To Forgive: Self-Empowerment and the Practice of Letting Go

Mondays 7:30pm to 9:00 pm

May 6, May 13, & May 20

• Are you holding onto hurt and anger from a painful situation?
• Do you think about this painful situation more than you think about the things in your life that are good?
• When you think about this situation, do you become physically uncomfortable and/or emotionally upset?
• Do you find yourself telling the story of what happened over and over in your mind?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have likely formed a grievance.
This grievance can be healed.
Forgiveness is letting go of that grievance.

Join Diana Tigerlily, Ph.D., for this 3-Part Forgiveness Workshop Series, as she guides you through a transformative Forgiveness/Self-Forgiveness Journey that integrates scientifically proven forgiveness techniques with the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra to release old wounds and begin healing.Learn how to let go, forgive, and deepen your forgiveness, no matter where you are in the forgiveness process.* Unravel forgiveness myths and practice forgiveness meditations. Turn your grievance story into a narrative of empowerment.

Tigerlily integrates Stanford Forgiveness Project founder Dr. Fred Luskin's techniques, as outlined in his book Forgive for Good, with a customized Yoga Nidra practice. In the state of Yoga Nidra, healing occurs within our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic states of being. The grooves created by old hurts are smoothed over and new patterns are established, allowing for release and empowerment. In the state of Yoga Nidra, our ability to manifest our positive intentions and long-term goals is enhanced.

Each workshop session is 90 minutes. Participants will learn how to turn their grievance story into a narrative of empowerment that they will manifest through Yoga Nidra.
Throughout the series, participants will learn forgiveness techniques and formulate/refine their forgiveness narrative. The sessions are a blend of learning and practicing proven forgiveness techniques, guided meditations, and yoga nidra.

*This course is designed for newcomers to forgiveness and yoga nidra, as well as for previous forgiveness workshop participants. Previous material will be reviewed, and new material will be covered.

Bring a pen, journal/notebook and yoga mat. During the guided meditation/yoga nidra portion, participants will be laying down comfortably with a pillow for under the head, pillow/bolster under the knees for support, and a blanket to cover with. Blankets and bolsters are provided. Feel free to bring any of your own comfort items.

Workshop Schedule:

Monday, May 6
What is forgiveness? Debunking the myths of forgiveness
Turning the grievance story into a narrative of empowerment.
Practicing Forgiveness techniques and Yoga Nidra

Monday, May 13
What is Self-Forgiveness, and how can I forgive myself?
Learning letting go strategies and meditations
Practicing forgiveness techniques and Yoga Nidra

Monday, May 20
Refining and Deepening the Forgiveness Process
Self-Empowerment, Compassion, & the Four Stages of Becoming a Forgiving Person
Practicing forgiveness techniques and Yoga Nidra

$120 enroll by Apr 30
$150 after


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Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath

With Ember

Allow yourself to be bathed in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes, vocals and more. Allow the sound waves and vibrational frequencies to wash over you, healing the body mind and spirit. Sound healing is an ancient art of healing and also used in modern medicine to diagnose and treat certain conditions.

This is a relaxing and meditative experience.

Bring your yoga mat and any comfort items you may want: pillows, etc. Props will be available for use in studio


“Ember’s voice is transcendent.”

“Some of the tools used created a hypnotizing stereo effect.”

“Ember’s singing is angelic. Her sound baths bring me so much peace.”

“Her voice brought me to tears.”

$33 enroll by May 14
$38 after


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Kundalini Activation & Morning Meditation
8:00 AM08:00

Kundalini Activation & Morning Meditation

Join us for a Saturday Morning of Meditation and KAP led by Sharonrose.

 This event includes herbal tea, breathwork, ecstatic dance movement and energy healing via KAP (Kundalini Activation Process).

Enjoy a refreshing cup of restorative herbal tea, which naturally balances hormones. From there we move into a guided manifesting meditation, allowing one’s goals and desires to come to fruition.

Next, we utilize our breath to re-set and destress the body and mind, while promoting positivity.Then, we move through an ecstatic dance where the body feels liberated and free with the unchoreographed movement.

Finally, surrendering in KAP (Kundalini Acitvation Process) meditation where participants lie down comfortably, and the facilitator works around them energetically.

Music, sound, and touch are used to activate the energy within, leading one on a sensory healing journey. Past wounds, traumas, and self-limiting beliefs are released. This is an expansion of consciousness which creates a deeper connection to our source.With continued exposure to KAP sessions, a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system can occur.

Sharonrose is a licensed Kundalini Activation Facilitator, Innerdance energy healer, and Somatic Breath-work facilitator.

What is Kundalini Activation Process?
Kundalini Activation Process, through the Innerdance process, originated in the Philippines. This dynamic transmission has been spreading globally and has recently reached the United States. Its growing popularity is due to the powerful life-force capabilities this technique has to offer. Aliments such as back pain, depression, migranes, and many more have all been reported as improving after experiencing KA sessions. This can be a transformational journey, where limitations are let go, stagnant energy is released, and a deep spiritual connection is made with our highest self.

$40 enroll by May 21
$50 after


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Yoga for Recovery 12-Steps - Community Class by Donation
6:00 PM18:00

Yoga for Recovery 12-Steps - Community Class by Donation

The practices of yoga and the 12 steps help bring us back into right alignment & set sail on our spiritual journey.
***By Donation***

Yoga of 12 step recovery is a 12 step base discussion and yoga practice open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others.

In this group, we weave together the ancient wisdom of yoga and the practical tools of 12 step programs.

We recognize that the issues live in our tissues and through our intentional themed yoga practice, guided by our breath. we invoke the higher power of our understanding to help us release tension, stress, anxiety, fear, shame, or any other pent-up emotion held in the body, that no longer serves us.

The analogy used is that as humans we are like a vessel. Addiction and/or unmanageability turns our vessel upside down.

***By Donation***


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Laughter Yoga for Wellness
4:00 PM16:00

Laughter Yoga for Wellness

With Rev. Kristina Angelgate

Just imagine laughing your way to success and wellness, boosting your immune system and fostering stronger relationships. These Yoga body-mind gestures include clapping, chanting, laughing and breathing exercises that will shift your mind and body.

The power of laughter creates a positive attitude to cope with negative people and situations. An immune system boost is a must with Laughter Yoga for Wellness!
Breathe, laugh and be happy!!

$20 enroll by May 28
$25 after


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Eight Limbs of Yoga in Practice: An Introduction
12:00 PM12:00

Eight Limbs of Yoga in Practice: An Introduction

*in place of regularly scheduled Saturday Iyengar Inspired Yoga

Join Joanna Ziemecki for An Introduction to the Eight Limbs of Yoga, in practice.

We will begin with AUM and chant the invocation to Patanjali.

We will follow with theory and Pranayama (breath practice).

Then we will have 90 minutes of Iyengar-Inspired Asana (poses) practice, threading the Eight Limbs throughout.

We will finish with a body scan and Savasana (final relaxation).

$40 enroll by Apr 30

$50 after


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Kundalini Activation & Candlelight Meditation
7:30 PM19:30

Kundalini Activation & Candlelight Meditation

This class is about letting go and surrendering to the healing energy within. You may experience a profound deep relaxation, emotional release, or connection to your true inner self. This natural flow of energy will arise from surrendering rather than will.

With continued exposure to Kundalini Activation sessions, a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system can occur.

During the session participants lie on a yoga mat while music is played. The facilitator will work energetically around you, touching chakras and meridian points. Everyone's experience will be different. You may have physical movements, cathartic releases, visions, whatever happens is exactly what your body needs.

Sharonrose is a licensed Kundalini Activation Facilitator, Innerdance energy healer, and Somatic Breath-work facilitator.

What is Kundalini Activation?
Kundalini Activation, through the Innerdance process, originated in the Philippines. This dynamic transmission has been spreading globally and has recently reached the United States. Its growing popularity is due to the powerful life-force capabilities this technique has to offer. Ailments such as back pain, depression, migranes, and many more have all been reported as improving after experiencing KA sessions. This can be a transformational journey, where limitations are let go, stagnant energy is released, and a deep spiritual connection is made with our highest self.

$40 enroll by Apr 23

$50 after


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Laughter Yoga for Wellness
4:00 PM16:00

Laughter Yoga for Wellness

With Rev. Kristina Angelgate

Just imagine laughing your way to success and wellness, boosting your immune system and fostering stronger relationships. These Yoga body-mind gestures include clapping, chanting, laughing and breathing exercises that will shift your mind and body.

The power of laughter creates a positive attitude to cope with negative people and situations. An immune system boost is a must with Laughter Yoga for Wellness!
Breathe, laugh and be happy!!

$20 enroll by Apr 23
$25 after


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Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath

With Ember

Allow yourself to be bathed in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes, vocals and more. Allow the sound waves and vibrational frequencies to wash over you, healing the body mind and spirit. Sound healing is an ancient art of healing and also used in modern medicine to diagnose and treat certain conditions.

This is a relaxing and meditative experience.

Bring your yoga mat and any comfort items you may want: pillows, etc. Props will be available for use in studio


“Ember’s voice is transcendent.”

“Some of the tools used created a hypnotizing stereo effect.”

“Ember’s singing is angelic. Her sound baths bring me so much peace.”

“Her voice brought me to tears.”

$33 enroll by Apr 16
$38 after


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MindBody Rehab: Yoga Therapy Series
12:30 PM12:30

MindBody Rehab: Yoga Therapy Series

If you feel like you could have better balance and avoid a catastrophic fall, get the answer here with Mindbody and the tools of yoga therapy to improve balance and stability while having fun!

Yoga therapy utilizes the relationship between breath and movement to improve strength and flexibility, as well as to prevent and relieve pain by addressing dysfunctional movement patterns. Increase your knowledge of your own basic anatomy and biomechanics. Together, we will learn how to apply tools of yoga therapy to improve mobility, stability, and function.

$65 single session early enrollment by April 2, 2024

$75 later enrollment


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Brain & Breath Connection
7:30 PM19:30

Brain & Breath Connection

There is an inescapable pattern between our brain waves, nervous system, breathing rhythm & our fascia. When we understand basic brain wave rhythms and how the nervous system speaks to the brain, we can then perceive and recondition the connection.

This lecture is built for the visual learner, by using Sam the skeleton, images of cadavers & guided exercises this fundamental class opens our awareness to invisible automatic responses, i.e. the tension in our fascia and our breathing sequences.

This class is for anyone with lungs, and very helpful for people with high levels of stress, anxiety or chronic overthinking. The practical exercises shared are used namely by professional ballerinas, UFC champions, and freedivers. They assist athletes who want to increase endurance and shorten recovery time.

We also cover a number of great inventor’s eccentric habits and how these habits helped their brain create new neural pathways.

Come and bring your best friend, it’s empowering & hopeful.

$40 enroll by Mar 26

$50 after


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Kundalini Activation (KAP) and Root Chakra Healing
7:30 PM19:30

Kundalini Activation (KAP) and Root Chakra Healing

Guided by Sharonrose

We begin with a sage smudge blessing, inviting compassion and love into your heart, while removing any negative energy.

  • We will move through a somatic embodiment flow to enhance creativity and empowerment.

  • Finally, we will surrender into a Kundalini Activation meditation, where music and energy-healing take you on a deep dive journey into your soul.

This is a unique transformative ceremony you don’t want to miss.

$40 enroll by Mar 20

$50 after


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Yoga Dance Journey - RESCHEDULED to April TBD
6:00 PM18:00

Yoga Dance Journey - RESCHEDULED to April TBD

Movement is the medicine.

This is a chakra fusion, joy-filled transformational dance/movement experience, that combines guided breath, yoga, and dance with freestyle intuitive movement.

Journey out of your mind and into your body. Move thru personal exploration into a loving intimate relationship with body, mind, and energy.

Gather with community to dance, express gratitude and manifest your heart's desire.

$15 early enrollment

$18 after


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An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra
7:30 PM19:30

An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra

Join Dr. Diana Tigerlily for a peaceful evening of

forgiveness, self-compassion, and loving kindness.

Participants will be guided through a deeply relaxing and transformative meditation that integrates proven Forgiveness techniques with Yoga Nidra to release old wounds and begin healing.

Participants will learn how to turn their grievance story into a narrative of empowerment that they will manifest through Yoga Nidra.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, healing occurs within our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic states of being. The grooves created by old hurts are smoothed over and new patterns are established, allowing for release and empowerment.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, our ability to manifest our positive intentions and long-term goals is enhanced.

The retreat is 90 minutes. During the first half, participants will learn forgiveness techniques and formulate their forgiveness narrative. The second half consists of the guided meditation/yoga nidra portion. Participants will be laying down comfortably for this portion and are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, a pillow for under the head, pillow/bolster under the knees for support, a blanket to cover with, and a journal/notebook and pen.

$40 enroll by Mar 5

$50 after


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Deep Fascia Release with Live Music
6:00 PM18:00

Deep Fascia Release with Live Music

For those looking to learn about fascia and how to care for it, this is an excellent class.

This gentle but powerful fascia release class is for people who want to become acquainted with 2-3inches under their skin, while listening to live exotic music.

Using tennis balls and yoga blocks (provided) you will recondition your fascia adhesions through guided sequences.

For those who enjoy our weekly fascia class, we cover more areas in depth so this is an opportunity to move deeper into the feet, legs, glutes, hips, back and arms.

Greatly beneficial for people who want to release tightness, recover from workouts faster and enjoy move flexibility.

The live music is played by a professional musician that is an aficionado of rare turkish, middle eastern and russian instruments.

Your senses will be truly delighted.

$40 enroll by Mar 5

$50 after


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Brain & Breath Connection
7:30 PM19:30

Brain & Breath Connection

There is an inescapable pattern between our brain waves, nervous system, breathing rhythm & our fascia. When we understand basic brain wave rhythms and how the nervous system speaks to the brain, we can then perceive and recondition the connection.

This lecture is built for the visual learner, by using Sam the skeleton, images of cadavers & guided exercises this fundamental class opens our awareness to invisible automatic responses, i.e. the tension in our fascia and our breathing sequences.

This class is for anyone with lungs, and very helpful for people with high levels of stress, anxiety or chronic overthinking. The practical exercises shared are used namely by professional ballerinas, UFC champions, and freedivers. They assist athletes who want to increase endurance and shorten recovery time.

We also cover a number of great inventor’s eccentric habits and how these habits helped their brain create new neural pathways.

Come and bring your best friend, it’s empowering & hopeful.

$40 enroll by Feb 27

$50 after


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MindBody Rehab: Yoga Therapy Series
12:30 PM12:30

MindBody Rehab: Yoga Therapy Series

MindBody relief and prevention of pain, improve sleep and improve balance with yoga therapy.

Yoga therapy utilizes the relationship between breath and movement to improve strength and flexibility, as well as to prevent and relieve pain by addressing dysfunctional movement patterns. Increase your knowledge of your own basic anatomy and biomechanics. Together, we will learn how to apply tools of yoga therapy to improve mobility, stability, and function.

January 7, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Low Back - Great Class, Thank you!

February 4, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Upper Back - Another Great Class, thank you!

March 3, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Better Sleep

April 7, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Better Balance

$65 single session early enrollment by Feb 27, 2024

$75 later enrollment


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Dream Breath & Fascia Reset (with the Dream Machine & Live Music)
7:00 PM19:00

Dream Breath & Fascia Reset (with the Dream Machine & Live Music)

For those looking for a powerful lilting lullaby experience this is a great class. The dream breath is a nose breathing technique that expands the lung field and slows the brain waves into a Theta state, a state of deep relaxation.

The breath is guided and gentle, good for anyone with respiratory issues or looking to quell stress, anxiety or grief.

In dim lighting, people will be guided through a gentle, but deep self- fascia massage with tennis balls and yoga blocks (provided).

While listening to live harp, harmonium and hypnotic otherworldly instruments (Iranian tar, Turkish Oud) the lighting will be mostly powered by the Dream Machine, a device invented in the 1960's to induce visions of one's imagination.

The Dream Machine is a lighting device meant to be experienced with the eyes closed, those sensitive to light will be able to sit away from it to remain in a state of comfort or cover their closed eyes.

$40 enroll by Feb 20

$50 after


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Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath

With Ember (Heather)

Allow yourself to be bathed in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes, vocals and more. Allow the sound waves and vibrational frequencies to wash over you, healing the body mind and spirit. Sound healing is an ancient art of healing and also used in modern medicine to diagnose and treat certain conditions.

This is a relaxing and meditative experience.

Bring your yoga mat and any comfort items you may want: pillows, etc. Props will be available for use in studio


“Ember’s voice is transcendent.”

“Some of the tools used created a hypnotizing stereo effect.”

“Ember’s singing is angelic. Her sound baths bring me so much peace.”

“Her voice brought me to tears.”

$33 enroll by Feb 13
$38 after


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Yoga Dance Journey
5:30 PM17:30

Yoga Dance Journey

Movement is the medicine.

This is a chakra fusion, joy-filled transformational dance/movement experience, that combines guided breath, yoga, and dance with freestyle intuitive movement.

Journey out of your mind and into your body. Move thru personal exploration into a loving intimate relationship with body, mind, and energy.

Gather with community to dance, express gratitude and manifest your heart's desire.

$15 enroll by Feb 13

$18 after


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An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra
7:30 PM19:30

An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra

Join Dr. Diana Tigerlily for a peaceful evening of

forgiveness, self-compassion, and loving kindness.

Participants will be guided through a deeply relaxing and transformative meditation that integrates proven Forgiveness techniques with Yoga Nidra to release old wounds and begin healing.

Participants will learn how to turn their grievance story into a narrative of empowerment that they will manifest through Yoga Nidra.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, healing occurs within our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic states of being. The grooves created by old hurts are smoothed over and new patterns are established, allowing for release and empowerment.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, our ability to manifest our positive intentions and long-term goals is enhanced.

The retreat is 90 minutes. During the first half, participants will learn forgiveness techniques and formulate their forgiveness narrative. The second half consists of the guided meditation/yoga nidra portion. Participants will be laying down comfortably for this portion and are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, a pillow for under the head, pillow/bolster under the knees for support, a blanket to cover with, and a journal/notebook and pen.

$40 enroll by Feb 6

$50 after


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Deep Fascia Reset with Live Music
7:00 PM19:00

Deep Fascia Reset with Live Music

For those looking to learn about fascia and how to care for it, this is an excellent class.

This gentle but powerful fascia reset class is for people who want to become acquainted with 2-3inches under their skin, while listening to live exotic music.

Using tennis balls and yoga blocks (provided) you will recondition your fascia adhesions through guided sequences.

For those who enjoy our weekly fascia class, we cover more areas in depth so this is an opportunity to move deeper into the feet, legs, glutes, hips, back and arms.

Greatly beneficial for people who want to release tightness, recover from workouts faster and enjoy move flexibility.

The live music is played by a professional musician that is an aficionado of rare turkish, middle eastern and russian instruments.

Your senses will be truly delighted.

$40 enroll by Feb 6

$50 after


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Brain & Breath Connection
7:30 PM19:30

Brain & Breath Connection

There is an inescapable pattern between our brain waves, nervous system, breathing rhythm & our fascia. When we understand basic brain wave rhythms and how the nervous system speaks to the brain, we can then perceive and recondition the connection.

This lecture is built for the visual learner, by using Sam the skeleton, images of cadavers & guided exercises this fundamental class opens our awareness to invisible automatic responses, i.e. the tension in our fascia and our breathing sequences.

This class is for anyone with lungs, and very helpful for people with high levels of stress, anxiety or chronic overthinking. The practical exercises shared are used namely by professional ballerinas, UFC champions, and freedivers. They assist athletes who want to increase endurance and shorten recovery time.

We also cover a number of great inventor’s eccentric habits and how these habits helped their brain create new neural pathways.

Come and bring your best friend, it’s empowering & hopeful.

$40 enroll by Jan 30

$50 after


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MindBody Rehab: Yoga Therapy Series
12:30 PM12:30

MindBody Rehab: Yoga Therapy Series

MindBody relief and prevention of pain, improve sleep and improve balance with yoga therapy.

Yoga therapy utilizes the relationship between breath and movement to improve strength and flexibility, as well as to prevent and relieve pain by addressing dysfunctional movement patterns. Increase your knowledge of your own basic anatomy and biomechanics. Together, we will learn how to apply tools of yoga therapy to improve mobility, stability, and function.

January 7, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Low Back - Great Class, Thank you!

February 4, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Upper Back

March 3, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Better Sleep

April 7, 2024, Sunday 12:30-2:30pm Better Balance

$65 single session early enrollment by Jan 30, 2024

$75 later enrollment


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Kundalini Activation with Sacred Cacao Ceremony
7:30 PM19:30

Kundalini Activation with Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Sacred Cacao Heart Opening Ceremony with Kundalini Activation

Guided by Sharonrose

We begin with a sage smudge blessing, inviting compassion and love into your heart, while removing any negative energy.

Followed by a sacred heart opening cacao ceremony.

  • We will connect to the ancient wisdom of this magical healing plant medicine, boosting your immune system while cultivating gratitude and love.

  • We will move through a somatic embodiment flow to enhance creativity and empowerment.

  • Finally, we will surrender into a Kundalini Activation meditation, where music and energy-healing take you on a deep dive journey into your soul.

This is a unique transformative ceremony you don’t want to miss.

$40 enroll by Jan 16

$50 after


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Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath

With Ember (Heather)

Allow yourself to be bathed in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes, vocals and more. Allow the sound waves and vibrational frequencies to wash over you, healing the body mind and spirit. Sound healing is an ancient art of healing and also used in modern medicine to diagnose and treat certain conditions.

This is a relaxing and meditative experience.

Bring your yoga mat and any comfort items you may want: pillows, etc. Props will be available for use in studio


“Ember’s voice is transcendent.”

“Some of the tools used created a hypnotizing stereo effect.”

“Ember’s singing is angelic. Her sound baths bring me so much peace.”

“Her voice brought me to tears.”

$33 enroll by Jan 16
$38 after


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Yoga Dance Journey
7:00 PM19:00

Yoga Dance Journey

Movement is the medicine.

This is a chakra fusion, joy-filled transformational dance/movement experience, that combines guided breath, yoga, and dance with freestyle intuitive movement.

Journey out of your mind and into your body. Move thru personal exploration into a loving intimate relationship with body, mind, and energy.

Gather with community to dance, express gratitude and manifest your heart's desire.

$15 in advance

$18 at the door


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An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra
7:30 PM19:30

An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra

Join Dr. Diana Tigerlily for a peaceful evening of

forgiveness, self-compassion, and loving kindness.

Participants will be guided through a deeply relaxing and transformative meditation that integrates proven Forgiveness techniques with Yoga Nidra to release old wounds and begin healing.

Participants will learn how to turn their grievance story into a narrative of empowerment that they will manifest through Yoga Nidra.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, healing occurs within our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic states of being. The grooves created by old hurts are smoothed over and new patterns are established, allowing for release and empowerment.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, our ability to manifest our positive intentions and long-term goals is enhanced.

The retreat is 90 minutes. During the first half, participants will learn forgiveness techniques and formulate their forgiveness narrative. The second half consists of the guided meditation/yoga nidra portion. Participants will be laying down comfortably for this portion and are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, a pillow for under the head, pillow/bolster under the knees for support, a blanket to cover with, and a journal/notebook and pen.

$40 enroll by Jan 2

$50 after


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Brain & Breath Connection
7:30 PM19:30

Brain & Breath Connection

There is an inescapable pattern between our brain waves, nervous system, breathing rhythm & our fascia. When we understand basic brain wave rhythms and how the nervous system speaks to the brain, we can then perceive and recondition the connection.

This lecture is built for the visual learner, by using Sam the skeleton, images of cadavers & guided exercises this fundamental class opens our awareness to invisible automatic responses, i.e. the tension in our fascia and our breathing sequences.

This class is for anyone with lungs, and very helpful for people with high levels of stress, anxiety or chronic overthinking. The practical exercises shared are used namely by professional ballerinas, UFC champions, and freedivers. They assist athletes who want to increase endurance and shorten recovery time.

We also cover a number of great inventor’s eccentric habits and how these habits helped their brain create new neural pathways.

Come and bring your best friend, it’s empowering & hopeful.

$40 enroll by Dec 27

$50 after


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Kundalini Activation with Sacred Cacao Ceremony
5:30 PM17:30

Kundalini Activation with Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Sacred Cacao Heart Opening Ceremony with Kundalini Activation

Guided by Sharonrose

Let’s get together for a holistic happy hour.

We begin with a sage smudge blessing, inviting compassion and love into your heart, while removing any negative energy.

Followed by a sacred heart opening cacao ceremony.

  • We will connect to the ancient wisdom of this magical healing plant medicine, boosting your immune system while cultivating gratitude and love.

  • We will move through a somatic embodiment flow to enhance creativity and empowerment.

  • Finally, we will surrender into a Kundalini Activation meditation, where music and energy-healing take you on a deep dive journey into your soul.

This is a unique transformative ceremony you don’t want to miss.

$40 enroll by Dec 27

$50 after


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Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath

With Ember (Heather)

Allow yourself to be bathed in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes, vocals and more. Allow the sound waves and vibrational frequencies to wash over you, healing the body mind and spirit. Sound healing is an ancient art of healing and also used in modern medicine to diagnose and treat certain conditions.

This is a relaxing and meditative experience.

Bring your yoga mat and any comfort items you may want: pillows, etc. Props will be available for use in studio


“Ember’s voice is transcendent.”

“Some of the tools used created a hypnotizing stereo effect.”

“Ember’s singing is angelic. Her sound baths bring me so much peace.”

“Her voice brought me to tears.”

$33 enroll by Dec 12
$38 after


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An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra
7:30 PM19:30

An Evening of Forgiveness & Yoga Nidra

Join Dr. Diana Tigerlily for a peaceful evening of

forgiveness, self-compassion, and loving kindness.

Participants will be guided through a deeply relaxing and transformative meditation that integrates proven Forgiveness techniques with Yoga Nidra to release old wounds and begin healing.

Participants will learn how to turn their grievance story into a narrative of empowerment that they will manifest through Yoga Nidra.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, healing occurs within our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic states of being. The grooves created by old hurts are smoothed over and new patterns are established, allowing for release and empowerment.

In the state of Yoga Nidra, our ability to manifest our positive intentions and long-term goals is enhanced.

The retreat is 90 minutes. During the first half, participants will learn forgiveness techniques and formulate their forgiveness narrative. The second half consists of the guided meditation/yoga nidra portion. Participants will be laying down comfortably for this portion and are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, a pillow for under the head, pillow/bolster under the knees for support, a blanket to cover with, and a journal/notebook and pen.

$40 enroll by Dec 7

$50 after


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Brain & Breath Connection
7:30 PM19:30

Brain & Breath Connection

There is an inescapable pattern between our brain waves, nervous system, breathing rhythm & our fascia. When we understand basic brain wave rhythms and how the nervous system speaks to the brain, we can then perceive and recondition the connection.

This lecture is built for the visual learner, by using Sam the skeleton, images of cadavers & guided exercises this fundamental class opens our awareness to invisible automatic responses, i.e. the tension in our fascia and our breathing sequences.

This class is for anyone with lungs, and very helpful for people with high levels of stress, anxiety or chronic overthinking. The practical exercises shared are used namely by professional ballerinas, UFC champions, and freedivers. They assist athletes who want to increase endurance and shorten recovery time.

We also cover a number of great inventor’s eccentric habits and how these habits helped their brain create new neural pathways.

Come and bring your best friend, it’s empowering & hopeful.

$40 enroll by Nov 28

$50 after


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Kundalini Activation & Candlelight Meditation
7:15 PM19:15

Kundalini Activation & Candlelight Meditation

with Sharon Rose

Fourth Monday of each month - mark your calendar

This class is about letting go and surrendering to the healing energy within. You may experience a profound deep relaxation, emotional release, or connection to your true inner self. This natural flow of energy will arise from surrendering rather than will.

$40 enroll by Nov 21

$50 after


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Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath

With Ember (Heather)

Bathe in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes and drums under the stars on the Lunar New Year. Allow the sound waves and vibrational frequencies to wash over you to heal the body mind and spirit. Sound healing is an ancient art of healing and also used in modern medicine to diagnose and treat certain conditions. 
$33 enroll by Nov 14

$38 after


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